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Experiencing Authority, Leadership and Management in Institutions

Second Working Conference in Group Relations, Sofia, Bulgaria,
29 July - 2 August 1996


This is the second in a series of Group Relations Conferences planned and mounted by the Institute of Human Relations of the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, in collaboration with visiting staff from the United Kingdom.

The Conference is designed to enable leaders, managers and professionals working in Bulgaria to further their understanding of the conscious and unconscious processes which shape the relations between individuals, groups and organisations and influence the ways in which authority, leadership and management are experienced and exercised.

The approach of the Conference is to create a framework of events in which members are able:

* to explore and examine these processes as they are experienced within the Conference itself, as a temporary organisation

* make links with their current experiences in their own organisations and consider the implications for how they are exercising authority, leadership and management in their professional roles.


The aim of the conference is:

to enable members to develop their understanding of the human dynamics of organisanons and their own part in them.

The primary task of the Conference, which underlies its design and methods is:

to provide members with opportunines to study the exercise of authority, leadership and management, through their experience of group, inter-group and institutional processes within the Conference and make connecnons with their experience and practice outside.


The programme of the Conference includes the following events:

Group Study

There are two events which focus on the relations between the individual and the group. The primary task of each event is to use one's own experience here and now to study the behaviour of the group as it unfolds.

Small Study Groups

The focus is on the experience of being and working in a small group of people. Each group consists of 8 - 12 members from varied backgrounds, with one consultant.

Large Study Group

The focus is on the experience of being and working in a large group of people. The group consists of all the members, meeting with 3 consultants.

Institutional Study: the Conference as a Learning Institution

The focus in this event is on the relations between individuals, groups and the institution as a whole. The primary task of the event is to use one's own experience here and now to study the institutional dynamics of the Conference itself as it is evolving.

All members and staff take part in the event, which starts at the Opening Plenary Session of the Conference and concludes with the Closing Plenary.

Applicatlon: Consultation Sets

The focus in this event is on members' experiences in their current professional and management roles in organisations. The primary task is to explore the links between one's experience of engaging with groups and organisations outside the Congference and what one observes within it. Members work in small groups, from similar backgrounds, with a member of staff in each group.

PROGRAMME 29 July - 2 August 1996
09.00-10.00 Arrival & Registration
10.00 Coffes Coffee
Coffee Coffee Coffee
10.30-11.45 Opening IS LSG LSG
11.45-12.00 Break Break Break
Break Break
12.00-13.00 SSG SSG SSG
13.00-14.15 Lunch Lunch Lunch
Lunch Lunch
14.15-15.30 LSG IS IS
IS IS Closing Plenary
16.00-17.15 SSG IS IS
IS 16.00-17.00 - CS
17.15-17.30 Break Break Break
Break Conference Ends
!7.30-18.45 CS CS CS

IS = Institutional Study
SSG = Small Study Groups
LSG = Large Study Group
CS = Consultation Sets


David Armstrong, BA, Senior Consultant, Tavistock Consultancy Service, Tavistock Centre, London, U.K.

Dr Kimon Ganev, Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry, Medical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr W. Gordon Lawrence, Visiting Professor, Centre for Organizational Renewal, Cranfield University, UK
Ms Zlatka Mihova, Clinical Psychologist, Sofia, Bulgaria
Dr Robert M. Young, Professor of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalytic Studies, Centre for Psychotherapeutic Studies, University of Sheffield, UK

Ciril Skavrov, New Bulgarian University
Ivan Ivanov, New Bulgarian UniversityConsultants



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