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'Evolution, Biology and Psychology from a Marxist Point of View' 50k

I was asked to contribute this chapter to a volume to be entitle Psychology and Marxism: Coexistence and Contradiction, edited by Ian Parker and Russell Spears, to be published by Pluto Press. It transpired that they could not get an American co-publisher if 'Marxism' was in the title, so the final title was a rather insipid one: Psychology and Society: Radical Theory and Practice (1996, pp. 35-49). In preparing the essay I found myself re-reading writings (some of them by me) which re-evoked the convictions which drew so many of us to libertarian marxism. Now that there is no place, party or subculture which identifies itself with any version of marxism to which we could adhere, we are believers without a locus and largely without practices which feel congruent with these beliefs. The article is largely historical, but the issues remain timely.


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