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This is a burgeoning debate. Below are listed some recent contributions to it.

Wellings, Kate et al. (1994) Sexual Behaviour in Britain: The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Michael, Robert T. (1994) Sex in America: A Definitive Study. Little, Brown.

O’Connor, Noreen and Ryan, Joanna (1993) Wild Desires and Mistaken Identities: Lesbianism and Psychoanalysis. Virago.

Segal, Lynne (1994) Straight Sex: The Politics of Pleasure. Virago.

______ and McIntosh, Mary, eds. (1992) Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornogaphy Debate. Virago.

Garber, Marjorie (1992) Vested Interests: Cross-Dressig and Cultural Anxiety. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Squires, Judith, ed. (1993) Perversities. Special Issue of New Formations. no. 19, Spring.

Sexualities: Challenge and Change (1994) Special Issue of Feminist Review. no. 46. Spring, 1994.

Dollimore, Jonathan (1991) Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault. Oxford.

Apter, Emily and Pietz, William, eds. 1993) Fetishism as Cultural Discourse. Cornell.

Gamman, Lorraine and Makinen, Merja (1994) Female Fetishism: A New Look. Lawrence & Wishart.

Chancer, L. S. (1992) Sado-Masochism in Everyd ay Life. Rutgers.

Kaplan, Louise J. (1991) Female Perversions. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Frosh, Stephen (1994) Sexual Difference: Masculinity and Psychoanalysis. Routledge.

Young, R. M. (1994) ‘New Ideas about the Oedipus Complex’, Melanis Klein and Object Relations 12 (no.2): 1-20.

______ (1995) ‘Is “Perversion” Obsolete?’, in Whatever Happened to Human Nature? Process Press, ch. 4.

R. M. Young/Psychoanalytic Studies


*Burch, Beverly (1993) ‘Heterosexuality, Bisexuality, and Lesbianism: Psychoanalytic Views of Women’s Sexual Object Choice’, Psychoanal. Rev. 80:83-99.

Chasseguet-Smirgel, J, (1985) Creativity and Perversion. Free Association pb.

Eskapa, Roy (1989) Bizarre Sex. Grafton Books.

*Giddens, Anthony (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Polity; pb, 1993. esp. chs 7-9 re: ‘plastic sexuality’

Gillespie, William (1940) ‘A Contribution to the Study of Fetishism’ Internat J. Psycho-anal. 21:401-15.

______ (1952) ‘Notes on the Analysis of Sexual Perversions’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 33:397-402.

______ (1956) ‘The General Theory of Sexual Perversions’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 37:396-403.

______ (1964) ‘The Psycho-analytic Theory of Sexual Deviation with Special Reference to Fetishism’, in I. Rosen, ed., The Pathology and Treatment of Sexual Deviation: A Methodological Approach. N. Y.: Oxford, pp. 123-45.

Khan, M. Masud. R. (1979) Alienation in Perversions. Hogarth.

Limentani, A. (1989) 'Perversions: Treatable and Untreatable', in Between Freud and Klein: The Psychoanalytic Quest for Knowledge and Truth. Free Association Books pp. 230-49.

McDougall, Joyce.(1972) ‘Primal Scene and Sexual Perversion’, Internat J. Psycho-anal. 53:371-84.

______ (1990) Plea for a Measure of Abnormality (1978). Free Association Books pb.

Parkin, A. (1963) ‘On Fetishism’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 44: 352-61

Rosen, I., ed. (1979) Sexual Deviation, 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford. (huge bibliographies)

*Stoller, Robert (1986) Perversion: The Erotic Form of Hatred (1975). Maresfield pb.

Waddell, Margot and Williams, Gianna (1991) ‘Reflections on Perverse States of Mind’, Free Assns. (no. 22) 2: 203-13.

Wulff, M (1946) ‘Fetishism and Object Choice in Early Childhood’, Psychoanal Quart. 15: 450-71.

R. M. Young/ Sex. Biblio. 11.94


Kendrick, Walter (1987) The Secret Museum: Pornography in Modern Culture. N. Y.: Viking.

Khan, M. Masud (1979) ‘Pornography and the Politics of Rage and Subversion’, in Alienation in Perversion. Hogarth, pp. 219-26

Marcus, Stephen (1967) The Other Victorians. N. Y.: Bantam pb.

Merck, Mandy (1993) ‘More of a Man: Gay Porn Cruises Gay Politics’, in Perversions: Deviant Readings. Virago pb, pp. 217-35.

Ross, Andrew (1993) ‘The Popularity of Pornography’, in S. During, ed., The Cultural Studies Reader. Routledge pb, pp. 221-42.

Segal, Lynne and McIntosh, Mary, eds. (1992) Sex Exposed: Sexuality and the Pornography Debate.. Virago pb.

Soble, Alan (1986) Pornography: Marxism, Feminism and the Future of Sexuality. Yale. (good bibliography)

Stoller, Robert J. (1985) Observing the Erotic Imagination. Yale pb.

______ (1991) Porn: Myths for the Twentieth Century. Yale.


Wilhelm Reich

Boadella, David (1973) Wilhelm Reich: The Evolution of His Work. Vision Press; reprinted Arkana pb, 1985.

Cattner, Michel (1979) The Life and Work of Wilhelm Reich. Horizon Press; also pb.

*Edwards, Paul (1967) ‘Wilhelm Reich’, in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy. N.Y.: Macmillan and Free Press, vol. 7, pp. 104-15.

Mitchell, Juliet (1974) ‘Wihelm Reich : Sexual Politics I’ and Wilhelm Reich: Sexual Politics II’, in Psychoanalysis and Feminism’, Allen Lane, pp. 137-93, 197-223; reprinted Penguin

Ollman, Bertell (1979) ‘Social and Sexual Revolution’ and ‘The Marxism of Wilhelm Reich: The Social Function of Sexual Repression’, chs 6 and 7 of Social and Sexual Revolution: Essays on Marx and Reich. Pluto pb, pp. 159-75, 176-203.

Raknes, Ola (1970) Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy. St Martin’s Press; reprinted Baltimore: Penguin pb, 1§971.

*Reich, Ilse Ollendorf (1969) Wilhelm Reich: A Personal Biography. N. Y.: Avon Books/ Discus pb.

*Reich, Wilhelm (1933) The Mass Psychology of Fascism., 3rd ed N.Y.: Orgone Institute, 1946; various editions, incl. Penguin pb.

______ (1933) Character Analysis, 3rd ed. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1949.

______ (1927) The Function of the Orgasm: Sex-Economic Problems of Biological Energy, 2nd ed. Panther pb, 1968.

______ (1945) The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-Governing Character Structure, revised ed. Noonday pb, 1969.

______ (1953) The Murder of Christ. N.Y.: Noonday pb.

______ (1967) Reich Speaks of Freud: Wilhelm Reich Discusses His Work and His Relationship with Sigmund Freud. N.Y.: Noonday pb.

______ (1971) The Invasion of Compulsory Sex-Morality. N.Y.: Noonday pb.

*______ (1972) Sex-Pol: Essays, 1929-34. N. Y.: Vintage pb, esp. ‘Dialectical Materialism and Psychoanalysis’, ‘Politicising the Sexual Struggle of Youth’, and ‘What Is Class Consciousness?’, pp. 1-74, 251-74, 275-58.

______ (1973) The Cancer Biopathy. Noonday pb.

_____ (1973) Ether, God and Devil; Cosmic Superimposition. N.Y.: Noonday pb.

______ (1976) People in Trouble N.Y. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

_____ (1989) Passion of Youth: An Autobiography 1897-1922. Picador.

Robinson, Paul. (1970) The Sexual Radicals. Temple Smith; also pb.

Sharaf, Myron (1983) Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich. André Deutsch; also pb.

Young, Robert M. ‘The Human Limits of Nature’, in J. Benthall, ed., The Limits of Human Nature. Allen Lane, pp. 235-74.

Herbert Marcuse

The main relevant primary sources are:

*H. Marcuse (1955) Eros and Civilization: A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud. Boston: Beacon; Allen Lane, 1969; various paperback reprints, e.g., Sphere.

______(1964) One Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society. Routledge; various Paperback reprints, e.g., Ark, 1986.

**______(1970) Five Lectures: Psychoanalysis, Politics, Utopia. Allen Lane.

See Also:

______(1968) Negations: Essays in Critical Theory. Boston: Beacon; reprinted Free Association Books, 1988, esp. chs. 6 & 7.

______(1969) An Essay on Liberation. Boston: Beacon, esp. ch. 1- 'A Biological Foundation for Socialism?'

Secondary Sources:

Paul Breines, ed. (1972) Critical Interruptions: New Left Perspectives on Herbert Marcuse. N.Y.: Herder & Herder pb. See also review of this collection in Telos 7, pp. 150-59.

Cohen, Jerry (1969) ‘Critical Theory: The Philosophy of Marcuse’, New Left Rev. 57:35-51.M. Jay (1973) The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950. Little, Brown & Co.; also pb, esp. ch 3 - 'The Integration of Psychoanalysis'.

______(1984) Marxism and Totality: The Adventures of a Concept from Lukács to Habermas. Polity, esp. ch. 7 - on Marcuse.

D. Kellner (1984) Herbert Marcuse and the Crisis of Marxism. Macmillan pb, esp. chs. 6 & 8.

Paul A. Robinson (1959) The Freudian Left: Wilhelm Reich, Geza Roheim, and Herbert Marcuse. N.Y.: Harper pb (published in Britain as The Sexual Radicals).

Trent Schroyer (1973) The Critique of Domination: The Origins and Development of Critical Theory. N. Y.: Braziller.

*R. M. Young (1973) 'The Human Limits of Nature', in J. Benthall, ed., The Limits of Human Nature. Allen Lane, pp. 235-74.

There is a large literature on Freud-Marxism. Here are two useful sources:

Michael Schneider (1975) Neurosis and Civilization: A Marxist/Freudian Synthesis. N.Y.: Seabury.

Joel Kovel (1988) The Radical Sporit: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society. Free Association Books pb, esp. chs 1 and 13 - on Reich and Marcuse.

Two recent books have sought to rethink the Freudo-Marxist project in the light of current psychyoanalysis and post cold war politics and culture:

*Paul Hoggett (1992) Partisans in an Uncertain World: The Psychoanalysis of Engagement. Free Association Books.

**E. V. Wolfenstein (1993) Psychoanalytic Marxism: Groundwork. Free Association Books pb, esp ch 3 - ‘Freudian-Marxism’, pp. 75-91 re Marcuse.

R. M. Young/PSA Studies 3.95


Alberoni, Francesco (1981) Falling in Love. N. Y.: Random House.

Altman, L. (1977) ‘Some Vicissitudes of Love’, J. Amer. Psychoanal Assn. 25:35-52.

Arlow, Jacob A.(1980) ‘Object Concept and Object Choice’, Psychoanal Quart. 49:109-33.

*Armstrong Perlman, Eleanore (1991) ‘The Allure of the Bad Object’, Free Assns. (no. 23) 2:343-56.

Balint, M. (1952) Primary Lover and Psychoanalytic Technique. enlarged ed., Tavistock, 1965. see esp. chs. on Eros and Aphrodite, Genital Love, Love and Hate.

Baumeister, R. F. and Wotman, S. R. (1992) Breaking Hearts: The Two Sides of Unrequited Love. Guilford.

Baumgart, H. (1990) Jealousy: Experiences and Solutions. Chicago.

Bak, R. (1973) ‘Being in Love and Object Loss’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 54:1-7.

Benjamin, Jessica (1990) The Bonds of Love. Virago

Bergmann, M. S. (1986) ‘Transference Love and Love in Real Life’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 11:27-45; reprinted as ch 18 in Bergmann (1987).

**______ (1987) ‘What Freud Discovered about Love’; ‘Varieties of Love and Loving’, chs 13 and 20 in The Anatomy of Loving: The Story of Man's Quest to Know What Love Is. Columbia pb, pp. 156-80, 257-78. All of Part II is concerned with ’The Psychoanalytic Contribution’.

Brown, Norman O. (1966) Love’s Body. N. Y.: Vintage pb.

Cancian, Francesca M.(1986) ‘The Feminizatrion of Love’, Signs 4:629-709.

Cartledge, S. and Ryan, J., eds. (1983) Sex and Love: New Thoughts on Old Contradictions. Women’s Press pb.

Cole, William G. (1958) Sex and Loove in the Boble. Association Press.

De Rougemont, D. (1956) Love in the Western World. N. Y.: Doubleday.

Ebaugh, Helen R. F. (1988) Becoming an Ex: The Process of Role Exit. Chicago pb.

Fisher, Helen (1992) Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Adultery, Monogamy and Divorce. Simon and Schuster.

Forward, Susan (1988) Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them. N. Y.: Bantam

Freud, Sigmund. (1953-73) The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Hogarth.

______ (1905)'Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality' S. E. 7, pp. 125-245; key passage p. 222. (See also. appendix - 'List of Writings by Freud Dealing Predominantly or Largely with Sexuality', pp. 244-5).

*______ (1910) ‘A Special Type of Choice of Object Made by Men (Contributions to the Psychology of Love I)’, S. E. 11:163-76.

*______ (1912) ‘On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love (Contributions to the Psychology of Love II)’, Ibid., pp. 177-90.

______ (1918) ‘The Taboo of Virginity (Contributions to the Psychology of Love III)’ Ibid. , pp. 191-208

_____ (1921) ‘Being in Love and Hypnosis’, in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego. S. E. 18:111-16; see also pp. 140-43, 166-67.

______ See also S. E. 21: index entries on Love.

Fromm. E. (1975) The Art of Loving (1957). Unwin pb.

Gaylin, Willard (1986) Rediscovering Love. N.Y.: Viking.

Giddens, A. (1992) The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love and Eroticism in Modern Societies. Polity

Hafner, Julian (1993) The End of Marriage: Why Monogamy Isn’t Working. Century pb.

Hazo, R. G. (1967) The Idea of Love. N. Y.: Praeger.

Haddon, C. (1985) The Powers of Love. Michael Joseph.

Hitschmann, E. (1952) ‘Freud’s Conception of Love’, Internat. J. Psycho-anal. 33:421-28.

Jekels, L. and Bergler, E. (1934) ‘Transference and Love’, Psychoanal. Quart. 18:325-50.

Person. Ethel Spector (1990) Love and Fateful Encounters: The Power of Romantic Passion. Bloomsbury pb.

Pope, K., ed. (1980) On Love and Loving: Psychological Perspectives on the Nature and Experience of Romantic Love. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Reik, T. (1944) A Psychoanalyst Looks at Love. N. Y.: Farrar & Rinehart.

Rubin, Lillian (1990) Erotic Wars. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Saul, L (1950) ‘The Distinction between Loving and being Loved’, Psychoanal. Quart. 19:412-13.

Schopenhauer, A, (1858) ‘The Metaphysics of Sexual Love’, in The World as Will and Representation.. N. Y.: Dover, 1966.

Singer, I (1984) The Nature of Love, vol. 1. Plato to Luther. Chicago.

______ (1987) The Nature of Love, vol. 3. The Modern World. Chicago.

Solomon, R. C. (1981) Love, Emotion, Myth, and Metaphor. N. Y.: Doubleday Anchor.

______ (1988) About Love: Reinventing Romance for Our Times. N.Y.: Simon and Schuster.





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