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P. Amacher, Freud's Neurological Education and Its Influence on Psychoanalytic Theory. Psychological Issues 4 no. 4, Monograph 16. N.Y.: International Universities Press, 1965.

*E. A. Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Physical Science, 2nd ed., Routledge, 1932, esp. last ch.

R. Descartes, Discourse on Method and The Meditations. Penguin, 1968, esp Discourse (1637).

S. Freud, 'Project for a Scientific Psychology' (1895). S.E. 1, pp. 295-387.

R. R. Holt 'A Review of Some of Freud's Biological Assumptions and Their Influence on His Theories', in N. S. Greenfield and W. C. Lewis, eds. Psychoanalysis and Current Biological Thought. Madison: Wisconsin, 1965, pp. 93-124.

Kardiner, A. et al. ‘A Methodological Study of Freudian Theory’ J Nerv. Ment. Dis. vol. 129. ‘I. Basic Concepts’, pp. 11-19; ‘II. The Libido Theory’, pp. 133-43; ‘III. Narcissism, Bisexuality and the Dual Instinct Theory’, pp. 207-21; ‘IV. The Structural Hypothesis, The Problem of Anxiety, and Post-Freudian Ego Psychology’, pp. 341-56.

D. Rapaport, The Structure of Psychoanalytic Theory: A Systematizing Attempt Psychological Issues 2 no. 2, Monograph 6. N.Y.: International Universities Press, 1960.

*______ and M. M. Gill, 'The Points of View and Assumptions of Metapsychology', Internat J. Psychoanal. 40:1-10,1959.

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*A. N. Whitehead (1925) Science and the Modern World ; reprinted Free Association Books, 1985, esp. chs 2 and 3.

*R. M. Young, 'Freud: Scientist and/or Humanist', Free Assns. 6:7-35,1986

______ (1994) Mental Space. Process Press, esp. ch. 1.


Jim Hopkins & Wolheim





R.M.Young 3.95/ Psychoanalytic Studies


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R. M. Young/FA Educ. Prog. '95




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*Young, Robert M. (1981) ‘The Naturalization of Value Systems in the Human Sciences’, in Problems in the Biological and Human Sciences. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 63-110 - includes extensive bibliography on functionalism.





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